Meet The Honchos

  • Sam Szulman

    From brainstorming ideas, running staff sustainability sessions, bringing in like minded partners, and everything in between, Sam makes sure the vision shines through and we keep tracking straight. When he’s not in heated discussions with Ed, you might find him riding across the country or playing squash at the local club. If he comes in bleary eyed, he’s been up all night watching Liverpool.

  • Eduardo Weisinger

    Our very own Atticus Finch, Ed is our universally loved Co-founder, father figure to us all and is especially interested in what we all bring for lunch. Ed has an opinion on everything and sometimes even two (sometimes three).
    When not setting up new sites or training our team members, Ed will be watching his beloved but under performing St. Kilda Saints. This is why he needs extra donuts on Monday mornings …

  • Angel Blue Skye (Skye)

    Our honorary “Super Model”, Skye is always looking a million dollars, eager to pawticipate and enjoy some cuddles. She is our morale booster and office door bell. Skye will always be interested in what everyone is eating and will demonstrate her incredible cleaning talents by quickly wiping the floor from any crumbs we “accidentally” drop from our plates.